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Talking about the face (21) How to promote the marriage through micro plastic surgery (3)

In addition to the cheeks and forehead, the chin is also a position that many women are interested in plastic surgery. It is also related to food fortune, husband's fate, and children's luck in old...

Talking about the face (20) Micro-shaping to promote luck - how to promote marriage (2)

Using micro-shaping to strengthen marriage, then abundance is also one of the options. But the abundance is not suitable for everyone, and the degree varies. Therefore, it should be noted that plastic surgery needs to...

Talking about the face (19) Micro plastic surgery - how to promote marriage (1)

The plastic surgery positions that can strengthen the marriage luck include the cheekbones and the eyes, because cheekbones represent extravagance in physiognomy. Whether you can marry into a wealthy family has a lot to do...

Talking about facial features (18) Micro-plastic rhinoplasty

Straight nose has obvious changes in career. Rhinoplasty should pay attention to the height and the overall appearance, such as the forehead, cheeks, eyes and eyebrows.

Talking about face (17) Is plastic surgery useful?

After plastic surgery, it can improve the face and help to the marriage to a certain extent, but if the plastic surgery is too much, it will have adverse effects if it is not in...
