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Bazi Classroom 9


Favorites and Taboos of Guishui (1): If we want to talk about the favorites and taboos of Guishui, we must first understand the characteristics of Guishui. Guishui is the most yin to soft heavenly stem, but yin and softness does not mean weak, and it can even be said that the power of Guishui is powerful. First of all, if Guishui has roots, no matter whether the root is strong or weak, it is not adjacent to Binghuo. It is called "Yin-Yang Cheng Ai" when it is seated, but it penetrates through the heavens. icon. And when the Gui water root is too prosperous, it is happy to see A see B exudes beauty, but even if Bing fire or Ding fire penetrates the sky, otherwise it will be too cold and lazy.

Gui water is yin water, water of rain and dew, and symbolically means the night of drizzle. If people of Guishui have more Guishui in the side, they must have a strong memory and a careful mind due to the relationship between water and wisdom. If you are strong, you will be more conservative, timid and realistic, and have a tendency to materialism and profligacy. For example, weak people must be introverted, and they will be a little gloomy. People with weak Guishui should be careful about diseases, because Guishui is also a kind of dampness, a latent viciousness (that is, the dampness poison in Chinese medicine), such as a cold. Viruses, if this poison enters the viscera, it will become damp and poisonous heat for a long time, and if it is stored for a long time, it will turn into carbuncle (ie, cancer cells). Shui people generally have white skin, but the white ones are mostly black in the depths of the skin. Moreover, Guishui also controls Yin spirits, so if Guishui is a taboo or someone who has bad luck with Guishui, it is easy to provoke things in the spiritual world during this time.

In the horoscope game, if the spouse has a positive star and a partial star (that is, male fate is positive, partial wealth, female fate officer, chaxing), this person has many lovers, and there are many opportunities for love (if the original game is more than one or the other The combination of strong lust, even more test!), but it is also easy to regret it because of the misunderstanding and misunderstanding!

Even if the person of the Jiamu Sun Lord is able to show off his beauty, it is easy to become a beautiful person because the face is too deep.

In the eight characters, in fact, the relationship between the heavenly stems and the earthly branches is only concerned with whether they are born or not and whether they have supporting forces. How to understand this relationship? This is the terrestrial branch/tiangan if the five elements "overcome" the celestial branch/earthly branch, it is actually just a complete rejection of the celestial branch in terms of strength, that is, the things represented by the celestial branch are difficult to achieve, and it is difficult to achieve success, but it does not lead to separation and destruction. Generally speaking, the meaning of "hijab and amputation".

In the horoscope, when the official star comes to conquer the fleeting year, no matter whether the official star is a happy or a taboo, the year is not often headache, dizziness, and often troubled by things. It's just for the happy times, the transportation goes up, and things develop ideally, but when the booze is in trouble, the officials will be troubled, and the fortune will go down! So watch out for things like fevers, colds, and migraines this year, and laugh at things like falling or bumping your head!

Numerology learning, like all other studies, depends on how much time you spend on it. In the process of continuous learning, it is boring and boring. Many people feel that they have not made much progress in what they have learned. In fact, it takes most of our time to improve the last small part, and this part is the key that can be accurately calculated in the end. Therefore, those who lack perseverance and perseverance often can only learn the level of one scale and half a claw. If you really want to succeed, please keep working hard!

In the Eight Characters Life Bureau, if the official plus the seal appear in the life bureau, and it is used for pleasure (mostly in a neutral pattern), the person is suitable for civil servants, social service work, or charitable causes. This is because the righteous senses constrain their bodies to do good deeds and behave in a well-behaved manner, while the righteous seals are kind and dedicated and have a heart of compassion. Together, they are conducive to serving the public and public welfare undertakings.

For the pillars of the life bureau that are not directly connected, the strength is weak and the ups and downs are less, which means that the development of the aspect represented by the star is limited, and it also means that the development of the six relatives is poor or the relationship with the life owner is relatively estranged, but the benefits are also stable and ordinary. There will be no big ups and downs, so it can be said that ordinary is a blessing!

For example, those whose fate is too bad are all flawed in character, which leads to limited personal ability. If you want to find a breakthrough, you must start from improving your character! But the truth is... easier said than done! Can change, I do not know how many people!

In the horoscope fortune-telling, for all the five elements, the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches can penetrate directly, which means that the star is powerful, whether it is a joy or a boon, the power is strong, so it means that the ups and downs in life are also larger, which shows a very ordinary truth: big Ups and downs must be accompanied by big falls. When luck is good, there must be room for everything, and there must be a fall and the strength to turn over; When the luck is bad, you should be patient and persevering. He will definitely have a time to rise!

The combination of favors and taboos of Renshui (3): If Renshui is to become a useful material, no matter whether it is weak or prosperous, there must be checks and balances, and there must be soil. If there is a fire when there is Ji soil, I am also afraid that there will be too much water and less soil, and the soil will become turbid. If the water is too strong, there is a fate that the system cannot be achieved, and it is easy to drown and die. Gengxinjin is often seen in Renshui's hits, goodbye Wujitu, ideal career development, and often the help of friends. However, when Gengjin sees the Ren water to release the gold qi, the Ren water is born, and the metal decays and the water is glorious, which is the so-called "mother declines the child's prosperity". The Six Kin Associations represented by Xin Jin are better, which is a kind of so-called "child failure and mother prosperity", especially those with more money and less water in the game.

Why do modern people have more reunions, because modern people often have unrealistic expectations for marriage, because everything has both good and bad sides, such as in the husband and wife palace:
He is more assertive than the robber and his spouse, but his subjectivity and self-esteem are too strong;
The official star is the person who does things well, but the style is bureaucratic;
Killing Star is romantic and action-oriented, but his style is too radical and violent;
Positive wealth stars love their family, but their style is too conservative and too frugal;
Partial wealth stars are good at mastering the market and capturing investment opportunities, but their style is too risky and passionate;
The wounded official star is bold and innovative, resists tradition, but is eloquent and eloquent;
Food God is elegant and unrestrained, and his words are beautiful, but he is lazy;
Zhengyin has a kind heart and kindness, but he is often instigated and too easy to be deceived;
Pian Yin is shrewd, but cold, eccentric and stubborn.
So you can't just ask for the good and not the bad in everything, there is never the best, everything can get along with two people, as long as it is tolerant, it will be good.

In fact, "everyone has their former kindness and no envy", and there is also a so-called "one life, one book", as long as you carefully look at each person's successes and failures, there are always good and bad points, but we may not see the bad or see the bad. Just clear! Therefore, there is a saying: "Good luck, better luck!" Cherish the present! Know how to be grateful!

Renshui's favorite and taboo combination (2): Renshui sees Binghuo as the Rizhao River, as the symbol of fire and water, and it is the symbol of the source of money and wealth in life, but Renshui will counteract the Binghuo in nature, so there will be in life. At least one chance of breaking a fortune, and his father/wife is also prone to mishaps. Renshui sees Ding as Ding-Renhe, and Ding-Ren is a combination of prostitution and concealment. Because Renshui originated in Western Kunlun, Renshui brings the Qi of Western Youjin, which is the color of wine, so it is easy to be a guest of wine, but Dante is the righteousness of Ren. Wealth, for the wealth to come together with me, represents the abundance of money, and the ding and the wood are combined with the wood, and the wood is a fire, which is an inexhaustible symbol of the dark and the love. Renshui sees Wu soil, Wu soil is river water, sees dams, goodbye Risheng people or sees fire in the game, the master is dignified, upright and righteous people can get help from everyone, but if it is not Risheng or there is too much water in the game , then its nature is active and difficult to stabilize, and it wanders all its life.

Renshui's favorite combination (1):
Renshui and Jia and Geng are a good combination. When Renshui meets Jiamu, it is like a forest being irrigated by river water. , Seeing the water of the big river, it becomes the trend of drifting with the water. And Ren Jiangeng was born with gold and water, forming the trend of gold, clear water and white, and the person is handsome and refined. If Jinshui is the god of love and the star of the seal, then the master is quick in thinking and the article is unparalleled in the world.

Renshui belongs to the masculine water in the five elements. It is a river and a river. It is the water of big rivers and seas. Therefore, Renshui is the most powerful force among the five elements, but its power is easy to come and go, easy to gather and easy to disperse, and often acts anticlimactic. Bold and easy to get excited and angry, but also easy to disappear into the invisible. Because water represents wisdom, Renshui people are also prone to ingenuity and ingenuity, and their creativity is unlimited, so they are also suitable for engaging in creative industries. However, he is often self-sufficient and does not plan in detail in advance. He likes to act first and then adapt to the situation, which is easy to give the impression of being careless. Because water also dominates melancholy, sometimes there will be too much melancholy.

Xin Jin's favorite and taboo combination (3): In addition to being afraid of being directly damaged by Ding Huo, Xin Jin has a completely different relationship with Bing Huo. Bing Huo is the sun, the Yang fire, and the yang fire Zhongyang is the most dry, and Bing is the ruler of Xin (that is, the relationship between gram and quilt), but Xinjin can combine Binghuo to make Rengui water, and Binghuo can generate Wu soil and combine Bing to transform water, so that Bing fire does not work. The raw Wu soil dries the soil, which can prevent the fire from scorching the earth and dry the soil, but instead balances the pattern and has the beauty of life and help. And Xin Jin Ren water washes, and Gui water is cloud and rain, Xin Jin is frost and snow, if the original situation does not see Bing Ding fire, then frost and rain are swaying, and there are many signs of fate.

Xin Jin's Likes and Dislikes Combination (2): Xin Jin is clean and moist in nature, whether the original game can see fire depends on whether the nature of the middle earth in the game is more or less, whether it is dry or wet, and also depends on the location of the fire. The characteristics of burning jewelry, especially Ding fire, but if the original wet soil is too heavy, then Bing and Ding are preferred to drive away the moisture, but if the original dry soil is too much, and you don’t like to see fire anymore, there is an image of jewelry being destroyed (from However, it is not advisable to see wet soil like Chouchen soil again, because there is a lot of gold buried in the soil. However, if there is no fire in the original situation and the wood gas is too heavy, then Xin Jin is frost and snow, B is wind and thunder, and the metal and wood are too heavy to overcome each other, creating a scene of wind, frost and depression.

The combination of Xin Jin's likes and dislikes (1): Xin Jin's nature is soft and firm, although it is said that gold can overcome wood, but if the original situation is not strong, it is afraid of the hard and straight characteristics of Jia wood, but it is easy to be hurt, and it is useless to gain money. However, if there are many layers of soil in the original board, then Jiamu can not only loosen the soil, but also release the hard and straight air, then Jiamu and soil complement each other, and both can be used, while Yimu is vines, flowers, and the like, the original board is golden When the qi is not too weak or the fire is vented, it can be used, which means that you can get rich wealth.

Xin Jin is Yin Jin, which is soft and firm in nature. It is also known as the gold of jewelry. It represents all jewelry, gold decorations, and all metal decorations. Metal utensils), Xin Jin is of course not as sharp as Geng Jin, and his heart is a little weak, but his steely nature is included, he is self-motivated, and does not seek vanity and outstanding performance, so there is a metaphor for Xin Jin to be a knife, Xin Jin If a person is impatient, like a statue with a knife, he will definitely not be able to make an excellent work. So Ruoxingjin is weaker than Gengjin, but it has a beautiful side. His genius lies in patiently communicating with others. After listening to others' hearts and communicating patiently, it is easy to be discovered by others. It turned out to be a priceless treasure.

Gengjin's favorite and taboo combination (3): Among the many combinations, except that Gengjin cooperates well with Renshui, Dinghuo and Jiamuhui, it generally does not have much happiness for other heavenly stems and earthly branches. Yu Ji is just afraid that there will be too much soil and gold in the fate bureau, and even more afraid that there will be no fire in the hits at the same time. Because there is too much gold without fire, the person will be stubborn and stubborn, and will not know the gains and losses of others; there is too much soil. Then there is the worry of gold burying, and it will be difficult to come forward. If there is no wood or fire in the fate, it is like stubborn iron hidden in the mud and grass, and it is even more difficult for others to appreciate it and use it.

Gengjin's favorite and taboo combination (2): Gengjin, Jiamu and Dinghuo are an iron triangle combination, and Jiamu is the treasure of Gengjin. They balance and restrain each other, and have a good effect on their respective performances. The effect is that the gengjin after the smelting of the calendar can cut down the wood (Jia wood) well and obtain financial benefits, so it is generally better to take the wood luck in the middle and old age. As for Binghuo (sun), it generally does not exercise a training effect on Gengjin, so in terms of favors and taboos, it is mostly regarded as neutral and only has a slight positive effect. The elutriation effect of Gui water is not as good as that of Ren water, and in the pattern of no fire, Gui water is more harmful to the properties of Gengjin, just as long-term soaking in rain will make iron rust.

Gengjin’s favorite and taboo combination (1): Geng is Yangjin, which is an ore and is the essence of Taibai. It needs to be tempered by furnace fire (Dinghuo), and then washed by river water (Ren water), so that it can become a sword and a halberd. Jin people also have to go through the hardships of life in order to improve themselves and become successful. Moreover, Gengdai's murderous aura is too sturdy in nature. The more it is smelted and washed, the more it can become a sword. Therefore, in the early years, the people of Gengjin encountered many many trials in their luck with fire, and they went to harvest luck in the middle and late evening. On the contrary, it is a good thing.

Geng metal Yangjin is the gold of iron and swords, and also represents ore, mine, hardware, etc., and is hard in nature. Geng Jin's mental type is rough and forthright, his character is strong, and he is not afraid of power. However, if he does not see Yinxing or those who control the vent, he is easy to be frivolous and frivolous, and his spirit is used. Competitive personality, destructive, popular, easy to get along with, but easy to repeat, and easy to provoke the villain.

Ji soil combination (3): Ji belongs to the internal organs of the spleen and stomach, and it also controls the limbs and skin. Therefore, if the A and B are too strong, the original situation has no fire. At this time, it is even more taboo to see Rengui water. In severe cases, the spleen and stomach are considered to be disabled or the limbs are weak and unable to lift. Due to the difference in nature, Wutu and Xutu have no effect on changing their own soil, but they have the function of warming and stopping water for the Chen soil and ugly soil, which is too humid. If the soil is too high, it is also suitable to see Gengjin and Xinjin to show off their talents, but when the soil is too strong and the gold is too weak, the performance is still insufficient. There is an image of a sword buried in dust. Only when it is suppressed and mixed can its stubborn nature be unlocked.

Jitu likes and dislikes combination (2): Jitu likes to see Bing fire, like the earth seeing the sun in the sky, it can radiate the vitality of all things. When I see the A and B groups of trees are stacked, I am happy to see the Ding Fire clearing the customs and releasing the wood to create soil. Ji soil, such as the valleys in the countryside, can store water and form a swamp. There is no water (wealth), and it is not visible on the surface, but without water, it is cracked and dry, which feels more painful than other heavenly stems, and has no vitality. I like to use wealth and officials to see both sides, and use wealth to produce officials, but I don’t want to be too prosperous to kill Yi and become weak. If I see wealth again, it will help Zhou to abuse and bring misfortune to the poor. Even if you can use the seal, this person is most likely to do it. A staff member is difficult to be a leader (because Jitu itself is mostly second-in-command). But killing with Gengshi is better than killing with Yinhua (because of the combination of Yi and Geng, it is more powerful to combine with Geng to make Yi wood).

Jitu likes and dislikes combination (1): Jitu likes A but not B, A comes together and sparses the soil, and B comes to restrain but not sparse the soil. People are upright, see Jiazheng's official status as time-honored, and can be an official (that is, hold a public office such as a civil servant or a member of parliament). However, Yi restraining Ji soil is a ruthless restraint. Because the Qi of Jitu is weak and weak, Yimu can only be rooted in Jitu, but Jitu is restrained and becomes thinner and cannot be grasped. In fact, both sides suffer. Tujian Yimu's seven killings are feminine and wise, and he does not regard his life and fame as a high-ranking person, so he has not developed much in public office (in fact, Yimu's Japanese master only sees himself, is ugly, or does not have the same theory).

In numerology, Ji soil, such as lowland plains, mud, swamps, tombs, etc., breeds all things silently, with a down-to-earth style and a simple surface. Wu soil, such as plateau rock walls, will decorate itself. It is not as spiritual and beautiful as Wu soil, and it is generally more mediocre, but its bearing capacity, which breeds all things like younger generations, is higher than Wu soil.

In the horoscope, if there are too many biased stars, you will do things but seek results, and reputation is the second most important. There are often very people who are very skillful, good at observation, very tactile, often able to grasp the opportunity, flexible but often impatient, and also puzzled by Lengthy procedures, hate bureaucracy (but not necessarily ethics), and easy to speculate too much and get into trouble.

In Bazi numerology, if there are too many positive stars, they have a good reputation. They like order in everything, talk about the order of elders and young people, ethical and filial piety, and pay attention to social class, so they tend to behave in the middle way (even those who often criticize the existing system and like reforms) People who hurt officials still like to talk about social order, the way of elders and children, but he doesn't like the current system and likes the old or other country's system).

If the five elements are not balanced and the life and discharge are orderly, it will be a pattern that is biased to one side. It is best to avoid a single five element that is too prosperous and not conforming to the pattern, but it is unable to control the prosperous and vent the prosperous, and attack each other. Cutting down is mostly an inferior order. For example, the fortune star is too prosperous and does not follow, and those who are incapable of restraining are often destitute!

The combination of Wutu’s favorites and forbids (3): Wutu sees gold and hurts officials, so as to give full play to their talents, but Wutu generates the power of gold, and then matched with wood seals, Yinmu is especially good, Wu has the image of the setting sun, and it hurts officials again. Yin, it is an image of an education or professional skills, goodbye Binghuo Dinghuo is the image of the setting sun, the colorful sky is full of light, and the light of life is born. It is best to avoid Mars being merged, or Haizishui will directly overcome Mars, and there will be many disasters. currently.

The combination of favorites and taboos of Wutu (2): Wutu sees Guishui as the colorful haze after the rain, so when the clouds and rain are scattered, it is best to have the wind to help. A and Yi wood are both wind and thunder, so A wood and Yi wood can help Wu soil to play its luster, and the soil needs to be sparse, so officials kill Jia Yi Yin Mao wood to loosen the Qi of Wu soil, which makes Wu soil stubborn. Therefore, the combination of Jiayi wood, Wu and Guijia is a good combination, and because Jiamu Yinmu is a big tree, the power of scavenging soil will be better than that of Yimu Maomu, and the earthly branch Yinmu is also because Yinmu is also a big tree. Possessing the Binghuo that Wutu likes, so when the earthly branch sees Yinmu, if the original situation is not too bad, the development of life should be good.

Wu soil favorite combination (1): There are many good combinations of Wu soil, the first is Gui water. Because Wu soil is a dry earth, rain and dew can make the earth rejuvenate and provide nutrients, so Wu Jiangui has the image of a rainbow bridge after rain, and Gui water is compatible with Wu soil, so Gui water/zishui is the greatest joy of Wu soil. Say. For the Lord of Wutu, Guishui represents resources and talents. But the combination of Wu and Gui, has the meaning of ruthless harm to each other. Because Wu and Earthly Branches have the same temperament, Wu soil is like black dog blood, and Guishui is like a spirit that means the most yin and soft (Nie Xiaoqian is also). Converting the most yin to soft Gui water into yang fire has the meaning of ashes and smoke, so it is ruthless! And the combination of penicillin and gui is also the match between the old man and the young wife, and it is also easy to suffer from eye disease and heart disease.

In the lucky year, auspicious signs usually appear in a certain fleeting fortune (that is, the year is for the gods to be used or the gods to be avoided), but when it is followed for many years, it is forbidden to be evil, and major actions such as changing jobs or moving houses are avoided. , Most of them are sugar-coated traps, which make yourself in a dilemma and cause your fortune to fall from a high position!

In the Bazi, Tianganwutu means plateau earth, sunny place, sunset, colorful sky, hills, high slope cliffs, cities, government, all buildings such as tall buildings or parking lots. Also represents all stone or earthen objects such as vases, stone carvings and antiques. But Wu Tu has the meaning of being hard and stubborn. It has an old-fashioned and loyal character, and promises a lot, but it is a bit like doing things slowly and slowly. If you see him in the life bureau, then the life master himself and the six relatives represented by the Wutu have more or less the above characteristics.

Supplementary Note (2): A and B are both woods, and Yimu also needs the support of Jiamu, but if Amu is too prosperous, it will harm B, and if Yimu is too prosperous, it will also harm A, so when both of them exist It can only be close in strength and weakness, otherwise one will hurt the other, which means that the development of the six relatives is not ideal. On the other hand, although water grows wood, but the water is too strong, it will damage the wood and cause the wood to drift, especially Gui water! The Lord has been running around and wandering all his life.

Yimu’s likes and taboos supplementary note (1): Yimu is the same as Jiamu, and it is most taboo to have no roots, but the power of Yimu’s roots is stronger than that of Jiamu, so it can stand in more places. But I am most afraid of sitting down and seeing no wood or soil, because I have no roots. When I have no roots, I am afraid that Shen You will come to me. I'm also afraid that goodbye will come to Kegen, and it will be easy to become ashes and disappear. Fate has a brilliant time but it is short, goodbye when gold fire comes together without water to save it (it is not limited to the weak, but it is also easy to disaster) , not to die prematurely, but also to be disabled!

In the life bureau, the stems and branches are endlessly alive, and they do not conflict with each other, and the vitality is full of vitality.

Supplement Jiamu’s Taboo (2): Because “A, Geng, Ding” is the best combination, in addition to being afraid that the Gui water will erode the Jiamu itself, I am also afraid that the Gui water will hurt Ding or Zishui. To make the armored wood drive out the cold, it will damage the vitality of the armored wood. In addition, the combination of Jiamu and Yimu is not a good combination. If Jiamu is too prosperous, there will be situations where it will harm Yimu, so it represents its brothers and sisters, and it is easy to have disasters, but Yimu is too prosperous, and Jiamu itself Will be hurt, there are parents who love their siblings more than themselves.

Addition to Jiamu's favorites and taboos: It has been said before that Jiamu likes seeing Geng and Ding the most. "A, Geng and Ding" is the best combination of heavenly stems in the life of Jiamu. When the four seasons are, day and night, etc., it is also best to sit down and sit down with Yinmu Tonggen, so that you can hold the office of wealth and officials, and you can expect wealth and honor. Sitting down to see Chen is a blue dragon, and it is also an honor. The Japanese master has a root and sits on a fortune star, which means that he has strong ability and can gain power and honor. Sitting on Chen and seeing Xu as the chief gang, also means that he is blessed, but when he encounters Chen Xu, he is also prone to official disasters. However, when the Jiamu people have no roots, they see the afternoon fire as dead wood and fire, which means that the ability of life can be exerted in the lifetime, but good times are not permanent and life is short. It is a taboo to see Gui water but not fire, because the Lord is often obstructed by accidents and eroded and unhappy.

Ding Huo's favorite and taboo combination (3): Ding Huo is weaker than prosperous under normal circumstances. In a weak state, Dinghuo has the most potential for development. Because Ding Huo has the characteristics of decay and inexhaustibility, as long as there is dry wood, the darker and colder the place, the greater its value. If it is in a prosperous state, unless it is a full plate to form the image of wood and fire (wood and fire is one of the symbols of pureness in the eight characters, generally speaking, people with pure eight characters will have great achievements, rich and noble, but if they go against luck, It is easier to rise and fall), otherwise it is not appropriate to see that the fire is too strong or the wood fire is too strong. The reason for self-punishment at noon is that the fire of the earthly branch is too strong.

Dinghuo's likes and dislikes combination (2): Dinghuo does not like to see Binghuo, because Binghuo is the sun and has the tendency to win the light of Dinghuo, so Dinghuo likes Jiamu, because when Jiamu is dense, it can block the sun, Dinghuo Fire can shine in the dark. Therefore, there is a cloud: "Ding fire is yin and soft, a candle light, the sun meets each other and grabs the light, if you see the armor and wood in the pillar, you will be assured that the body will be safe and happy."

Ding Huo's Likes and Taboos Combination (1): Ding Huo is more jealous than Renshui. It tends to be soft-hearted and easy to be moved, but in essence, Renshui is official to me, but Renshui is a big river. Although the water is Yang water, it hides all things, so this kind of combination has only desire but ruthlessness, only restraint but no pity. There is a cloud: "A does not leave Geng, Geng does not leave D, Ding does not leave Jia", indicating that A, Geng and D are an iron triangle combination, the reason is - when the fire of Ding is weak and needs to be supported, it is best to see Geng and gold split the armor, come Firewood caused by fire. However, it should be noted that Jiamu cannot get wet, because wet nails will not produce Ding but hurt Ding, which will make this combination unable to exert the best effect and stagnate. make a fire.

The difference between Ding fire and Bing fire is that Ding fire can light up others to a limited extent, it will not make others feel too hot, and it will not make people feel breathless, because the burning of Ding fire is based on sacrificing oneself. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the time and object appropriately. Moreover, Binghuo will always become the target of the public, the focus of all eyes, Dinghuo likes to show sometimes, sometimes hide, and does not make senseless brilliance, so Dinghuo is also happy in the sky, and is not afraid of too much in the fate. Too much and too hot.

Compared with the Bing fire, which is the sun that gives warmly, the Ding fire is the flickering lights, neon lights, stars, starlight, firewood, etc., because the image means the relationship between the starlight and the light, and both the light and the star are liked. It is densely lush and bright, with stars shining brightly and brightly lit, so Dinghuo also dominates civilization, culture, and writing, so it is said that the eyes do not know Ding. Ding Huo has the characteristics of glowing at night, so it has the characteristics of goal, becoming a bright spot and reaching out to help others when they are in need, illuminating the life of others. Ding Huo also represents spiritual light, so there are often flashes of spiritual light, so it also symbolizes wisdom, mysterious culture and thinking.

Likes and Taboos of Binghuo (continued): Binghuo also has its taboo combinations, such as Binghuo born of living wood, women are beautiful and lively and unrestrained people, men are handsome and talented; but dead wood sees Binghuo It is already charcoal, and it will turn into ashes after burning violently and colorfully. Therefore, although life is gorgeous, it is not very good or has a long lifespan. Although Binghuo and Renshui represent mysterious and fantastic scenes, the people represented by Binghuo will also have a long life. Experienced at least one major disaster, and Binghuo sees Renshui and Guishui, and is prone to serious eye diseases, mental and emotional disorders, and high blood pressure. Binghuo is the sun, and it is better to be born during the day than at night. There will be more obstacles, and it is easy to suffer in old age.

Binghuo’s likes and taboos cooperate, Binghuo likes Xinjin to combine, and when money comes, I will give birth to the image of a prosperous official position; and Binghuo has the characteristics of compassion, illuminates the earth, and unconditionally gives out enthusiasm, so it is happy to match Ren and Gui. Water, because Renshui represents rivers and lakes, and has the image of sunshine in the rivers and lakes, which represents enthusiastic release and talent can be brought into play. Seeing Guishui is mostly a person with big eyes and beautiful eyes. There is sunshine after rain, and the dazzling scene of colorful clouds; The God of Cookery represents the display of talents. These three combinations are all enthusiastically released, and the images of magical colors are displayed.

In numerology, the fire Bingxiang of Tiangan means the sun, and its colors are dazzling and colorful, but Binghuo does not like to see more fires, and if you see more fires, there will be a fiery image (so there are many friendships between Binghuo people). It is not durable, on the contrary, it can last for a long time, because the fire is the main action.

Numerology learning, in order to get started easily, will inevitably be generalized at first, but in fact, there are many details. When learning slowly, you must pay attention to the differences between them. For example, there is a big difference between Jiamu and Yimu. For example, Jiamu should not see Jiamu and Yinmu more in the life bureau. Because Jiamu is a big tree, it is best to see Chen soil take root when it appears. Ding fire (i.e. firewood), when the ugly soil is not soiled, the roots will die and cannot grow well; but Yimu grass likes the mountains and plains, so it is not taboo to see more Yimu Maomu, and I like to see Bing more than Ding, because Bing fire is the sun, Ding Huo is a star, and no matter Chen, Chou or Weitu can be rooted.

In Bazi numerology, when looking at the general appearance of a spouse, in addition to the sun branch, you should also look at the five elements of the spouse star, its location, and the relationship between the birth and gram between the adjacent heavenly stems and earthly branches.

In Bazi numerology, the branch of the sun is Chen Xu Chouwei, which means that the Sun Lord itself requires more internal than external, so spouses are generally simple, honest, and someone who takes care of themselves and their family, so it is generally easier to find one. Ordinary-looking, or someone with more personal characteristics.

In the eight characters, if the branch of the day is Yin, Shen, Si or Hai, so the four places are in the relationship of the post-horse land, and the post-horse owner changes and runs around, so it mostly means that the Japanese owner has more experience in love, and the spouse is smart, capable and able to speak. Good at eloquence, but the Japanese owner himself has general requirements on the appearance of his spouse (except for the Japanese branch of injury official, partial wealth and official star).

In the horoscope fortune-telling, if the sun branch is Zi, Wu, Mao or You Shi, it usually means that the Sun Lord himself has requirements on the appearance of his spouse, and most of them will find a person who is beautiful, dignified or has a fashion sense as a love object.

A happy and happy marriage is usually achieved through the understanding and union of God's luck!

In the numerology of the eight characters, because the official star has the meaning of promotion and going to the post, if you hit the positive or partial official star, you will encounter a positive or partial official star in the lucky year. Promotion thing! But if it is a taboo, the official will be troubled, and it will be difficult to move around!

In the eight characters, there is a saying that the fortune star is the stage horse star, so meeting the fortune star in the lucky year is also a year of frequent walking.

In the Bazi Fate Bureau, in addition to seeing the stage horse on behalf of the multi-tasking tourism in Yunsui, the time when you see the Star of the Stage Horse and is punished by Yunsui is also the time to run around; on the contrary, if you see Ma Xing being transported At the same time, the movement of the lucky year will be reduced!

Speaking of the eight-character post-horse, we should also talk about the calculation method of the post-horse: take Si, You and Chou as one group, and the other group is Hai, Mao and Wei, and see any of the Nian Pillars or Sun Pillars and Earth Branches in one group. One character, and any character in another group on other columns is a stage horse, that is, "Si, You and Chou" and "Hai, Mao and Wei" are each other's stage horses, but Si and Hai are horses, so they move The elephants will be farther and stronger, while "Yin, Wu and Xu" and "Shen, Zi and Chen" are another group of territorial branches of stage horses, and Yin and Shen also symbolize strong moving images.

In the eight-character destiny bureau, if the Fortune Star is a person who likes to use it, and the Fortune Star sits down as a stage horse, it is called a Fortune Horse, and it is a person who accepts the wealth of the four directions. The more people move around, the more money you will make. For those who sit on stage horses, they should focus on traditional trade or shop operations. If they are partial fortune stars, they should focus on performances, performing arts, and short-term hot-selling products.

In the Bazi Destiny Bureau, Yin, Shen, Si and Hai are collectively called the Four Stage Horses. The Yimadi, as the name suggests, means that people travel a lot in their lives and are more likely to travel and travel frequently. Therefore, if you see Yin, Shen, Si, and Hai Zhichong were secretly motivated by Ma Xing. Their main jobs and living areas changed frequently. The surrounding environment such as friends, colleagues, etc. were also easily changed, and their jobs and occupations were also easily changed. No change, his people can't settle down, more than his home or work place is constantly walking, extremely tired, his people are also active, easy to have the hobby of climbing and wading.

In the eight-character fate bureau, there are Chen, Xu, Ugly, and Wei Chong, which are mostly a combination of punishment and Chong. Generally, the main focus is the change of occupation, work place, or position, etc., and these kinds of punishment Chong are also mainly related to the existence of six relatives. In the event of a disaster or a change in relationship, unless the year and day column is impacted, the working environment generally changes while the living environment remains unchanged.

The Eight-Character fortune-telling bureau, regardless of the position of the collision, if it is a single conflict, if the earthly branch sees the collision of Zi, Wu, Mao and You, it is mostly due to changes in living environment and emotions, but it is less related to changes in work and position. .

In the four pillars of the life bureau, if there are more than two stage horses, the owner of the horse is unsettled, and it is easy to have high visions and different thoughts. Even if the four pillars are properly coordinated, those who can be rich and noble will have a lot of toil and trouble. If the four pillars are not properly coordinated, such as the five elements are dry or the yin and yang are out of balance, they are toiled and mediocre people.

In the eight characters, no matter what the pattern, whether or not the Lord of the Sun has an order, as long as there are three or more pillars of the same five elements in the game, and the luck of the other three pillars is used in the year, there will be disasters one after another when going out. If possible, it is advisable to be conservative and do not move, and avoid traveling abroad or stationing in other places!

In the Eight Characters, the meeting of the stage horse's punishment and rush is the main change, but the punishment is the change caused by stimulation and destruction. Reunion and reunion are changes caused by reunion and gathering, and new relationships are generated or transformed. They have the meaning of new generation, their own initiative, or the meaning of being caused by outsiders and their own initiative, and they also have the meaning of changing from movement to stillness.

In the Bazi Fate Bureau, except for the stage horse star, the Shangguan star is too prosperous, the Mercury is too prosperous or the Mars is too prosperous, all of them cannot calm down, move around frequently, even if they do not go far, they must be due to work and family affairs. Walking back and forth around home or work is often exhausting!

If you see people with stage horses in the fate, the host will go out for long trips or travel, but if the stage horses meet in three or three meetings in the age of There will be many obstacles or accidents, time-consuming and laborious.

Among the eight characters, one must also refer to the stage horse in addition to the promotion of travel, the official star and the star. Looking at the stage horses, the daily branch is the main branch and the annual branch is supplemented. There are stage horses in the day and year. When the Grand Canal is fleeting, it must be the master of the Grand Canal and fleeting years. There are many things to migrate, go abroad or travel.

In the eight characters, if the day and time are taboo and when you are with the stage horse, if you see the terrestrial branch again in the fleeting year of the Great Luck, you should not travel far away, and you will cause many disasters.

In the eight characters, the original bureau saw that there were too many punishments. He was a person who was active and could not stop. Therefore, he walked around frequently in his life and was easily injured and damaged. Therefore, you must be careful to prevent accidents and pay attention to your own safety!

In the Eight Characters, there is a saying that "smart is not enough to hurt officials, and cleverness is not enough to kill seven", which refers to the ability to see Guan Qi by looking at Guan Qi by analogy, as well as its keen market tentacles and the ability to be good at innovating trends. Understand people's hearts, make good use of and create resources and interpersonal relationships, resolve crises and create a more conducive environment for their own development!

In the horoscope, people who are too heavy on India are introverted, like to think independently, and even a little fanciful and unrealistic. He is arrogant, sentimental, and a little indecisive, so he has no basis for advancing or retreating. People who are partial to India like to be low-key and unique in their work. They are not suitable for dull, repetitive or rigid work. They should be work that requires thinking, understanding and problem-solving, or work that is independent and creative, such as art and design. Jobs such as designer, chemist, researcher, marketing planner, personal assistant, numerologist, etc., will be easier to use their strengths to achieve higher achievements.

In the original game, those whose stars are too prosperous are most likely to have a seal on the Moon Order or use a strong seal to make it (but if the official star of the original game is weak or absent), or if they see a strong seal in the annual luck, it means that it is beneficial to them. Exam study, middle-aged or later to obtain a high degree (because the wealth is a month, so many fortune stars are not conducive to the juvenile examination), so they can take up high positions or consultants in large companies, governments, public institutions, etc.

In the horoscope, Zhengyin Star represents wisdom, comprehension, and understanding, as well as empathy and protection. Originally, it represented the person who is eager to learn at work, has high comprehension, and is not afraid of suffering, but when it is too much, it becomes too much. More cranky, timid and afraid of taking risks, sometimes act rashly, and because either people are afraid of being controlled, or too dependent, so it is more suitable to work in a freer position, but also needs a strong leader , it is more appropriate to guide its work.

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